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Hi, I’m Ashley!

I write clear, compelling copy to help businesses connect with their customers and grow their reach.

About Me

With over 10 years of combined experience in journalism and copywriting, I’ve learned one thing:

Good content will always drive an audience.

In all my positions — from a cub reporter to a digital editor to an in-house copywriter — this truth has remained constant. People respond to stories. I’d be honored to tell yours.

These days, I continue to produce high-quality content as a copywriter for a Florida-based content marketing agency. In addition, I offer freelance copywriting services for entrepreneurs and businesses.

My freelance services include website copy, email campaigns, blog posts, and more. When we work together, I’ll make your project a priority. As part of our initial consultation, I’ll make sure I understand your business strategy and marketing goals. After crafting SEO-focused copy in your brand voice, you’ll have the opportunity to give your feedback and request edits.

The final result will be polished, expert-level copy you can use to market your business, attract new customers, or establish your company as a subject matter authority. No stress, no drama — just quality copy that’s sure to get results.

Ready to get started? Schedule a free, 30-minute consultation with me by clicking the link below. I can’t wait to meet you and learn your story.

It can be hard to find the right words.
Let me help.


My Skills

I’ve written for small businesses and for multi-national corporations. I create engaging, persuasive copy in a client’s preferred style and tone of voice. I handle all aspects of copy development, from research to writing to editing.

I’m proud of the work I’ve done throughout my career of 10+ years. Take a peek at my past projects.

  • Copywriting
  • Content Writing
  • Email Campaigns
  • Search Engine Optimization

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